GooGle SEO – Getting started

thedm lead generation

GooGle SEO – Getting started

The amount of people we speak to who have spent a small fortune on a great looking website but then say “It looks great but when will we get to the top of google?” is quite amazing.
There are also those that have been in touch with other marketing companies saying “… they promised we would be at the top of page 1 of google but I can’t see us!”

Firstly don’t trust a marketing company that will “Promise” you page 1 of google, and if they do make sure they specify it will be through SERPS and not paid for listings. You’ll find they quickly. change their story!
But there are several things you can do to improve your site and the way it appears to google.

Google (and other search engines) don’t view your site as the pretty looking front end site that we all see when we visit it.
Their complex algorithms, which change and update regularly, are looking for sites that perform well and give relevant information to an end user.
It used to be possible to try and trick the search engines into liking your site by cramming it with keywords that had little to do with your actual site or business.
These days that will only end up getting your site penalised and lowered down the scale.
Search engines have moved much more towards a paid for model for businesses to advertise their websites, and via paid for services you can get your site on to page 1 results but it will cost you! Especially if you are in a popular category of business.

So how do you help yourself get a respectable ranking?

1) Think Local
When your site is up and running sign up for a google account and claim / add your business via Google My Business.

Complete as much information as possible in your listing and add some good images.
This will get you appearing in the Google Maps listings when you run a search and a Business Panel on the google search page.

2) Think BIG
By this we mean think Google!
Over 70% of searches are done via google, so that is the place you want to show up.
Sign up for Google Search Console.
This allows you to add you site manually and request it to be indexed. It can also give you useful pointers on how to improve your ranking.
Be aware that indexing and ranking are different things!

3) Think Consumer
Put yourself in the mindset of your desired clients. What would they search for? What info would they want?
Ensure the page they will land on within your website will be relevant.
How? Well, make sure the different pages in your website have different title tags and info.
Make sure the content within, and images are well tagged.

4) Think speed and think mobile!
A simple page of content can often rank higher than a fancy website with all the bells and whistles if the content is strong and the page loads quickly Google will like it.
Google is very much a mobile first environment these days. your site MUST be mobile friendly.
Whether you have a responsive site or a different site for mobile is ultimately up to you, but you must have a solution in place for your site to work on mobile.
Run speed tests on your site and ensure it is loading as quickly as possible.

5) Build relationships
Can you write guest posts for other sites within your industry?
Can you get other sites to link to yours because you carry useful information for your industry?
If so then do so. Google values sites content but when it can see other sites linking to your content it deems you as being more important.

Once your site is following the above tips you will definitely see your site indexed by google.
As for it’s ranking, well that depends hugely on the quality of content and integrity of your website.
There are many other incredibly useful steps you can take which we are happy to discuss with you for FREE at
Contact us today